Salma Hayek will debut as a superhero in Marvel's upcoming film Eternals. Directed by Oscar-winning Chloé Zhao, Salma will be seen playing Ajak in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film. While Salma was excited about playing the part, she confessed she had issues with the script and had gotten into a 'serious fight with Chloé.
In a recent interview, Salma revealed that the argument took place at the actor's house and the people overhearing the ‘fight’ were worried Salma might get fired from the film.
“I had some problems with the script and we got into a serious fight at my house. We were both passionate. And she was like, ‘No, but that’s not how I designed it.’ The people outside my house were calling it a fight, because we were kind of screaming. We continued to talk and talk, and it went on for a long time. The people outside were so nervous that I was going to get fired,” she told Elle.
However, both the women were impressed with their conversation. “I came out and I said, ‘Wow, I’m in love with her brain!’ That was the best creative conversation I’ve ever had with a director in my life, and she felt the same. She told me, ‘Wow! That was amazing.’ It was just complete freedom. We found our middle ground. While finding it, we came up with other ideas. It was super exciting,” she added.